KARNATAKA VIDYADAN SHIKSHAN SAMITI Run and Management by REGD. BODY (C.B.T.E.) (Established With Govt. Permission Under Act) Minority Education Open Board Under Article 19(1), 29 & 30 Of Constitution of India Established Under the guidelines of National Education Policy 1986, Govt. of India Working Under Human Rights Protection Act, 1993 – AIR 1993 SC-2178 Automatically Recognized by Govt. and All Govt. Departments / Bodies LEGALITY OF KARNATAKA VIDYADAN SHIKSHAN SAMITI Legality KARNATAKA VIDYADAN SHIKSHAN SAMITI was legally established under the guidance of jurist, eminent educationists and social workers for the development of education in wide areas. Government, registered the Council for propagation and development of distance education on the pattern of Non-Formal, Open continuing, and Distance Education System. KARNATAKA VIDYADAN SHIKSHAN SAMITI is legal self autonomous body. The KARNATAKA VIDYADAN SHIKSHAN SAMITI is running for disadvantaged, street children, women and poor people and Minorities. The KARNATAKA VIDYADAN SHIKSHAN SAMITI is established for development of education under the guidelines of national education policy 1986 Govt. of India and programme of action 1992 Govt. of India.